Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fresh From The HotBox this week Blueberry Struedel Muffins

So today I was having a hankering for some awesome blueberry muffins. So I decided well I might as well make them since I had all the stuff to make them I simply needed to add the motivation. Eating healthier and making from scratch affords you the opportunity not only to know what you are eating but what you are sustaining your family with. I am a simple woman and when I cannot pronounce ingredients I often find myself out off simply because it could be something horrible and the general public really has no idea. Following blindly, trusting that the checks and balances set up are what is "best".  I choose what is best for my family, not some white coat adding unpronounceable ingredients to my meals. Please understand, I am nowhere near perfect and I am constantly fighting what is good for me vs. what I want to consume in mass quantities blindly. However, this morning we are eating  fresh from the hotbox blueberry muffins and that is one less meal I have to worry about quality. Baby steps start us out, but each step no matter how small is an impact.

This mornings recipe: http://m.allrecipes.com/recipe/6865/to-die-for-blueberry-muffins/

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Good Morning Everyone! Official full first day of dreadlocks

Due to a recent turn of events I was able to have dreadlocks established in my hair. For over a year now I have been looking into dreading my hair and not really knowing where to turn. I have watched countless YouTube videos some were good, some were not so good. I've looked at tons of pictures, read blogs on maintenance, you name it I did it except for actually getting the dreads. Yesterday I finally took the plunge and had my hair dreaded. The whole experience was very interesting. Not really what I had expected, although I don't know what I really did expect. I am very excited to start this journey and I am so so blessed to be able to share it with you. So I hope that you can come along and hit all of the wonderful ups and downs of dreadlocks.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Very First Etsy Listing

    I have been working hard to finally get my first item listed on Etsy. I have found that being a work at home mom is truly a thankless career choice. Never the less, here it is. https://www.etsy.com/listing/195607404/goldenrod-goodness-scarf?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Applying for a Real Business License

    After exploring many options that didn't fit my family well, I have decided to open my own business. With three small ones at home it has been decided that I too will stay at home. I will not make a ton of money but I hope to be able to share a little bit of my talent with others. I have submitted documentation to the necessary folks to begin my journey as a legitimate business owner. From this point on I will be using my poor dormant blog for updating and spamming (sorry in advance). I hope to find this a fun adventure than will fit our family.

Hope to see you again soon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Triple Stroller NIGHTMARE!

  So today is more of a rant. I am officially in triple stroller hell. I have found one, ONE triple stroller available at Walmart and Meijer.coms. Seriously? I messaged Meijer about their lack of selection in store and online and I was met with this response, " We are always updating and adding new products. We appreciate your input, but in the meantime, check out the triple stroller we have... (insert link)." Thank you but I DON'T WANT THANK JANKY PIECE YOU HAVE LISTED! Ok so that is what I did yell at my computer who I am sure is used to being yelled randomly. So off to Amazon I go where I found a whole whopping 4 triple strollers. What is the conclusion I am drawing for the day? Society expects us to only have two or less children. I am sure someone, somewhere has sited this as a conspiracy. I just want a darn cart for my kids, even if it is at the tune of $350+. At some point something has to give, right?

Hope to see you again soon!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


    If you are unfamiliar with a paczki it is a huge glorified filled doughnut. It is delicious but is packed with thousands of calories. Eat one and fast the rest of the day for best results, seriously. The whole idea for the calorie laden pastry is to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Folks fill themselves up with tons of rich and fatty foods like gluttonous pigs because the very next day is Ash Wednesday which begins Lent and forty days of fasting, no meat on Fridays and lots of church visits. Lent is meant to be a time to evaluate your relationship with God and better yourself and be a more positive Christian. There is much more meaning and depth to it but that is what I was able to share with my toddlers today while they were enjoying their paczkis. Don't forget to use teachable moments whenever you can get them in.

Hope to see you again soon.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Potty Training Toddlers Round 1

  For those of you who do not know me personally, I have three lovely toddlers 4,2,1 years old. My life is a never ending chain of messes. Potty training said toddlers, is also a never ending chain of messes. One can normally handle the endless "misses" and "accidents" in stride until there are two, yes TWO, potty using toddlers in your home. Not only is there never enough toilet paper....(which is NOT cheap) but there apparently are never enough toilets. Heaven help me when toddler #3 decides to take the potty using journey. Let me explain. Toddler 1 (T1) will announce the need to use the bathroom AND what exactly they need to do (poo, pee, or both) also keep in mind that since my children are still in the learning phase they like to announce this in public places as well. Ok, back on track. T1 " I gotta go poop!" followed by a hurried rush to the bathroom sometimes with pants around ankles barely making it in time. At the exact same moment T2 decides via the monkey see monkey do process, that she also needs to use the bathroom.  Thankfully we have two bathrooms otherwise I have a feeling we would have a lot more messes. Going out in public, or :"pub-a-blic-in," as T1 used to call it is a journey that only the bravest of us attempt, and never under any circumstances will we patronize any store that does not have a bathroom. It just doesn't happen.

   Hope you all got a little laugh today. Hope to see you again!